The contemporary portrait . . . master technique in 21st century portraiture - Dene Croft
The contemporary portrait - Master techniques in 21st century portraiture.
A two day workshop with Dene Croft exploring the methods and master techniques employed in building portraits and figure studies in oil and acrylic.
This workshop deals principally with the palette and mixing flesh tones, the importance of under-paint - full instruction and demonstrations on building your portrait from the underpaint or Grisaille, to the finished piece (. . . lots of hand holding - nobody gets left behind!) adding elements of abstraction to create mood and ambiance.
Two consecutive Saturdays - Saturday the 29th of March and Sunday the 30th of March, 10am until 4pm
Cost . . . $280 including taxes
Bring your lunch (some refreshments supplied), your prepared canvas (gessoed and lightly sanded) your brushes and palette and most importantly, a very clear 8x10 colour photo of your subject. We will provide the paint, mediums etc.
We will be covering topics from lighting and shooting your subjects,the importance of pre-studies, composition and preparing your canvas, incorporating other mediums into your portrait, mixing colour, setting up palette, Grisaille and other master techniques. We will also cover a little art history and discuss the "rogues gallery" of history's portrait painters . . .a bit of a whos-who; an in-depth look at what they really got up to in their studios; their relationships with apprentices and popes, and the many and varied cheats, tricks and techniques that they employed in their painting.
Space will be limited to 10 artists so if you would like to book a place, phone the studio at 604-250-5562 and forward a cheque made out to Dene Croft in the amount of $280 and send to the studio no later than March 20th. . .
N.B . . . as we generally maintain a waiting list for this event, we must insist on early registration as we are no longer able to accept payments on the day of the workshop.